An Update from Adlib

An Update from Adlib

We sincerely hope that all our friends, whether customers, suppliers, manufacturers or advisors are all in good health and coping through these unprecedented times. Like many organisations we have been frantically working on arrangements to ensure all of our team are protected and as safe as possible. Since Monday 9th March we have been winding down our operations in both Liverpool and Glasgow with a complete site shut down in place since the government instructions on Monday 23rd March.

We would like to take this opportunity to give thanks and praise to every member of Adlib. You are an amazing team and the concern for the company shown by so many of you has been somewhat humbling. We thank you all for your professionalism and understanding.

To our friends from all genres, we are going to miss seeing you all, hopefully it won’t be too long before we can engage in social activities again. May we also take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued business and support whether you are a client or a supplier or in some cases both.

In the meantime we are still available should you need to get in touch or plan for the future. All of our team will be ready to hit the ground running when normality resumes!

In these strange times, should any of our friends (freelance or otherwise) just wish to have a chat about anything, we are here for you.

We do not have to be next to each other to look after each other.

Learn more about Adlib:

Learn more about Triplex:


Hi-res logos: Link

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