Supply of Shure Axient Digital Wireless System

Supply of Shure Axient Digital Wireless System


Partners & Collaborators



Supply of Shure Axient Digital Wireless System






Supply of Shure Axient Digital Wireless System

The Requirement

Eclipse Global, specialists in worldwide technical event production from London, were looking to add Shure Axient Digital into their audio inventory and turned to Adlib after personal recommendation from a previously satisfied customer.

The Solution

Al Mouat, one of sales team at Adlib, closely liaised with Will Draffin and Steve Giles to nail down the requirements and exact specification of Eclipse’s upgrade to wireless digital RF systems. Stuart Moots from Shure's technical team provided pre-sales advice and on site training to the Eclipse team.

Adlib, as one of the leading pro audio suppliers in the UK, was able to offer competitive pricing coupled with manufacturer’s training to make sure that Eclipse’s team can hit the ground running with their brand-new purchase to service their upcoming events.

In addition to facilitating Eclipse’s purchase, Adlib were also able to offer excellent after-care, unrivalled technical support with their in-house service department as well as access to an extensive hire stock in a case of emergency or to increase the capacity of their system when required.

A solid bright pink square.


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