The #WeMakeEvents Merchandise Store is Open

The #WeMakeEvents Merchandise Store is Open

The #WeMakeEvents merchandise store is now open here.

Proceeds go to Backup, so now you can multitask: dress in red for the Global Day of Action on the 30th, while also supporting your industry peers

Backup commits to relieve people who have worked in the Entertainment Technology Industry for at least five years, and/or their immediate family members, who are:

  • In need by reason of ill-health or injury.
  • Experiencing unexpected financial distress or hardship.

From the funds raised, Backup will also help fund a select number of additional registered charities and community interest organisations including:

  • Acting for Others – includes The Theatrical Guild, The Royal Theatrical Fund & Fleabag Support Fund and The ROH Benevolent Fund.
  • Music Support – for anyone in the music industry to help mental, emotional and behavioral health disorders.
  • Stagehand – representing all past and present members of the PSA (Production Services Association) who need help.
  • #MakeItBlue – dedicated to raising funds for mental health charities throughout arts, entertainment and culture.

A minimum of 80% of any profit made from commercial sales will go to charity.

A maximum of 20% will go to help the running costs of WeMakeEvents Ltd and the #WeMakeEvents campaign.