Send a letter to your local MP to campaign for the industry.

Send a letter to your local MP to campaign for the industry.

Adlib has collaborated with fellow industry organisations, PLASA, the ABTT, PSA, SOLT & UK Theatre, to create the #EventsForTheFuture initiative.

We believe that focused collective action will increase our visibility and promote the cultural and economic importance of live entertainment and events.

PLASA have published four different letters which you can download for free and send to your local MP.

The letters have been especially written for companies, employees, one-person limited companies and sole trader freelancers, allowing you to highlight your particular situation and campaign for further support from the Government.

This collaborative impact will be a major step in safeguarding businesses and livelihoods across our industry. We invite all of our UK members to get involved in contacting their local MP.

Click below to download your sample letter to send to your local MP:

Sample letter for companies
Sample letter for employees (for employers)
Sample letter for sole trader freelancers
Sample letter for one person limited companies