PLASA Focus Glasgow 2017 – Adlib’s Video Round Up

PLASA Focus Glasgow 2017 – Adlib’s Video Round Up

PLASA Focus in Glasgow was a great show for us at Adlib. It presented itself as a fantastic opportunity to showcase the diverse range of work that we have undertaken in the last 12 months as well as it allowed us to meet faces old and new. This year, we had the support of L-Acoustics and Martin Professional who both presented seminars on the Wednesday. François Montignies led the L-Acoustics’ seminar that discussed the “Variable Curvature Line Source and Soundvision”, whilst the latter was presented by David Stewart who talked about “Creative Video with Martin Professional”.

Not only did we have a stand at the show but the very popular demo room. This year, the demo room had equipment and representatives from DiGiCo, Midas, Soundcraft and Yamaha Pro Audio. The range of desks on show was a real reflection of our diverse customer base. Having the demo room allowed visitors to the show to ask questions to the experts and have the chance for more of a hands-on experience away from the hustle and bustle of the show floor. Additionally,  we hosted Martin by Harman who demonstrated their new VDO Face 5 video panels and VC Grid systems, extending the visual showcase through to the evening where our guests had a chance to meet in a more informal setting at our ‘meet the manufacturers’ drinks reception.

If you didn’t manage to catch us at the event itself, make sure to check out our video round up below: