Buy or Hire Adlib Speakers


Adlib is a British loudspeaker manufacturer committed to delivering excellent audio at a competitive price.Adlib speakers can be found on the stages of major concerts and festivals, as well as in permanent installations throughout the UK.Because of our experience within the audio installation and rental business, 20 years ago we decided to invest in our own brand of British designed and manufactured loudspeakers.

Adlib speakers have become a staple of professional audio installations in venues, bars, restaurants, places of worship, schools and colleges throughout the UK. At the same time, Adlib speakers can be found at major concerts and festivals and on the riders of international touring artists.

Our design ethos and manufacturing process is based on our experience with, and understanding of, the unique needs of each of these markets and we have designed specific products to meet each of these unique requirements.

Because all of our design and manufacturing takes place on site, and because we hold our own range of speakers in our audio rental inventory, we can offer unmatched level of support and fast response to service requests.

We no longer offer this brand, please contact us and we will help find an alternative for you.

Case Studies

Liverpool's Catholic Cathedral. Lit up for #lightnightathome

Bletchley Park

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Liverpool's Catholic Cathedral. Lit up for #lightnightathome

The Royal Masonic School for Girls

Watch story
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Contact Us

We know how to match the right products with the right projects—delivering the results you need within your timeline and budget.

Fill in our form, email us at or call on +44 (0)151 486 2214

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Headshot of Marc Heath, account manager

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