Absen LED Video Wall Hire UK


Absen's LED screens are high quality, robust, and easy to maintain which makes them ideally suited for use in live events where they have quickly become a popular standard in the UK.

Adlib holds a large stock of Absen LED video wall panels which are available to hire for events in the UK and Europe either on a dry-hire basis or with on-site technical support from our team of audio visual technicians.

In addition to stocking LED video wall hire stock, Adlib is also able to provide a full AV rental service including media servers, cameras, vision mixers, and video routing systems.

We no longer offer this brand, please contact us and we will help find an alternative for you.

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Case Studies

Liverpool's Catholic Cathedral. Lit up for #lightnightathome

Bletchley Park

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Liverpool's Catholic Cathedral. Lit up for #lightnightathome

The Royal Masonic School for Girls

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Contact Us

We know how to match the right products with the right projects—delivering the results you need within your timeline and budget.

Fill in our form, email us at rental@adlib.co.uk or call on +44 (0)151 486 2214

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Headshot of Marc Heath, account manager

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